Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The day i turned twenty-eight

My breakfast: noodles for longevity and 2 eggs, i dunno what they represent. Zack only had 1.. haha.

Zack & i went out for dinner and a movie! Mum Elsie and Dad Lincoln came by at 6pm to babysit while my sis took the later shift at 8.. hehe. I was really looking forward to going out, the last time i went out was our last jaundice check and that was almost 2 weeks ago! However, i was surprised that i didnt quite enjoyed myself. I was thinking of Megan half the time we were out!! I missed her...

Caught G.I Joe.. it rawks!! And Channing Tatum was so hawt! Gosh.. i even missed watching movies with Megan. She doesnt like loud noises and squirms about. Okay enough about Megan, back to the movie. Anyway, it's a must-see flick. The effects were astounding!

Dinner at Marche
and it was a teary one (twas the hormones).... cos Zack surprised me with a birthday cake - a slice!! :)

Do you know this is the first birthday cake/slice he bought me in our 5 years together?? He doesnt get why i love birthday cakes.. haha. What is a bday without a bday cake right? See.. i'm happy with a slice even! I'm so easily contented.. hehe.

Ah yes, that's me 3 weeks after i gave birth. Still round around the edges *sigh* :( Hoping i'd lose the water and fats soon. But i'm happy i can wear my engagement ring and watch now!

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