Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Time is flying by too rapidly!

so much to do, so little time!

went back to office today to train the temp staff. Colleagues said i look great. Of crse lah, dun need to work of cos happy and rocking! :P Zack came to pick me up at 5pm and we went off to collect my pics then to KKH for our prenatal class.

Today's topic: Pain Relief During Labour + Spousal Support



Time is nearing....

I asked Zack if they can just knock me out, i wake up and have a baby in my arms? Just minus the in between part.. haha. Well, i'm going al naturale.. no epidural.. *gulps*deep breath* Zack's so horrible.. said if i cant take it, just give him a sign by crossing my eyes and he'd get me epidural.. ahahhaha! He look me no up! *humph* I wonder who is the one who has a long list of the cons of epidural lor...

But i must admit i'm impressed by how knowledgeable Zack is about all this pregnancy and labour stuff! I'd religiously read the weekly pregnancy boards and forum and will feedback to him.. and he knows them all and can even explain more explicitly to me. Like today's lesson, i knew everything cos Zack had told me about the various pain reliefs. He really knows the drugs at his finger tips! *impressed* But it's certainly not fun when he starts telling me what to expect in labour.. like telling me not to be shocked if Megan comes out all wrinkly (not the rosy cherub i'm imagining) or those labour photos i've seen on the net is not considered bloody enough *faints* or why some babies come out with greenish stuff on them - it's meconium, baby's poo poo and what it means. John Tee likes to tease him and tell the nurses he can deliver our baby.. hahaha. In any case, i'd definitely want Zack to do my IV for me! Those medical students/trainee docs are hopeless!

Jeez.. Megan's been very active today.
She is boxing me even as i'm typing this..
She can really pack a punch at times!
and her favourite passtime is dancing on mummy's bladder.. haha

Pappe's been really sticky to me recently.. more than usual.
i hope it doesnt mean anything!
maybe she is sensing something???

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