Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, June 06, 2009

ju feels like boogying!

song on repeat: I'm Too Sexy - Right Said Fred

my darling Detone is buying me choc&spice muffins!!!! *muaksssss*

gosh it's been more than a week since i last blogged *gasps* It's been incredibly busy at work, so busy that i worked through 2 days of mc! Imagine receiving that golden ticket yet i had to shove it out of sight and continue pounding on the computer.. it's heartbreaking i tell you. This is a painful life *sobs* I didnt even dare tell Zack cos he will scold me for not resting at home (i eventually did and no scolding!).. i already got scolding from Sylvia when she saw me online the next day.. haha. Sometimes i wonder if i'm being stupidly responsible. And that if it's worth it afterall. As i told Zack.. i'm doing it for myself, not for the coy. Not aftering that pat on the back but personal gratification. Oh well..... *shrug*

Now i got 1 week to enjoy my little Megan. I shamefully admit that i had neglected her recently. It's a good thing she is very active, i didnt have to worry about counting fetal movement cos i feel her all the time.. and if i miss her movements, all i need to do is call her and rub my tummy and i can feel her squirming after awhile... oh my little darling :)

so i promised belly pics so here they are!

@ 30 weeks (7.5mths)...

getting big ya ;)
Zack is so fascinated with my expanding belly.. haha
"you're getting so big, Megan's growing!"
and he enjoys teasing me: "you fatty bom bom.." *glares*
needless to say he got it good from me -
degree of which depending on my mood atm.
sometimes i think he is just itching for it..
excuse YOU.. i still gotta waistline k - yeah at 8 mths!
just 2 nights back.. i was lying on my side and Zack was amazed i still got a waist curve.. and in his rare moments of kindness said: "you're such a sexy mummy."
wow.. so what happened to fatty bom bom?? haha
i'm bracing myself for the puffiness that will come my way - anytime now :S

alrighty.. enough of my vanity and horrid Zack.


i shall dedicate a full post on this! :)
after i scan the newspaper article that is..

stay tune~

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