Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, December 15, 2008

God's gift to us *glows* :)

Zack and Ju's little sweet bean... at 7 weeks!

Size: 0.95cm
Estimated Due Date: 30 July 2009

If you can't make it out.. it's the little rice-grained shape in the black space on the left :) ~ 7pm direction.

And we saw our little one's heartbeat! it is thumping strong and steady :) It is the most amazing sight.. we couldnt hear it yet cos that's not a CTG, just a normal ultrasound scan.

Yes we have been in a thrilled, elated.. euphoric state the past 3 weeks.. haha. Like in a happy little bubble :) Sometimes we still can't believe it's happening.. that we're gonna be parents! *pinch pinch* and it's quite a terrifying thought! I know Zack will make a terrific daddy :) He wants a little girl "who looks as pretty as her mummy" (awww... thats so sweet :)) while i want a little carbon copy of Zack. Either way, one of us will be happy! hahaha.. Boy or girl, as long as he/she is healthy.. that's all it matters :)

Andrew said his EDD was also 30 Jul but he was born on 7 Jul. How amazing that will be if beanie's born on 7 Jul too! 7/7/9... 2 years after daddy and mummy got married :) but i would want him/her to stay inside until he/she is all ready :)

It's amazing how i love Zack more than ever before. When he rubs my tummy while i sleep, checks that beanie (aka me) is eating well, offers to cook me something in the middle of the night when i'm hungry, suggests that the guys come over to hang out just so i wouldnt be left at home, declined going to KL with his colleagues cos his wife is preg (albeit few weeks), even when he refuses to let me drink tea(?!?) and gloat that i gotta take my naval ring off soon! And said he's gonna buy me those ugly maternity dresses and that i HAVE to wear them cos HE bought them for me (i will cut them up and make them into nappies for beanie!). I may be grouchy some days and may at times unknowingly snapped at you.. but please remember.. i love you darling.. so very very much! I'm gonna get fat and ugly FOR YOU! That's HOW MUCH i love you *muaks* :P

and to you my little one.. i love you the minute i felt you snuggling into me.. and more with every beat of your heart. And i promise you i'll be the best mummy i can be to you. I may not know what i'm doing half the time but i promise you i'll do all i can to be what you need. Grow well little one.. God is watching over you.. and mummy and daddy loves you *kiss* :)

To dear readers of my blog: i'd appreciate it if we could all keep this joyous news within this blog. There are some friends i've yet to tell and i'd like to be the one to share with them. And i'm not ready to announce to the whole wide world as yet :)

Join us on the journey on the growth of Zack & Ju's little sweet bean:

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