Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, January 22, 2006


done with my last conference yesterday evening.. the events, exhaustion came rushing in and all i could do when it was over was go to the toilet, sit down and try to even my breathing.. cant begin to say how much i'm looking forward to our cruise next wed.. in a way, it just makes it sweeter..

spent the last 2 nights combing the streets of Balestier and Geylang.. in search of lightings for our home.. boy was it fun! by far the most enjoyable part of our whole reno process.. went to zack's favourite smelly beancurd stall in Geylang and their Hot & Sour noodles is simply magnifique *drools* i got another favourite food! wonder if i can psycho zack to bring me there again later..

diet has suffered lately.. only eat when my stomach growls.. and when it does, i will just grab whatever i can find in my office.. which are usually junk food like: chocolates and cookies *opps* i can afford lah.. lost a kg or 2.. so now i can pig out during the cruise!

caught Geisha last night.. great show! i'm itching to read the book now.. but it's a 2.5 hour show so be prepared..

and Jo got engaged! *screams* (it's about time ming! *scolds* good gals must grab quick! :D)

gotta wake that piggy up
we're going fridge/washing machine hunting today!

hot and sour noodles..
hot and sour noodles..
hot and sour noodles..

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