Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

in the train

Monday, January 30, 2006

meeting the gals later.. chilling out at ECP! feeling tired.. but cant wait to meet them.. cos we are so gonna dig everything out from Jo... her proposal that is! gotta pack pappe's stuff too cos packing her along! sheesh i'm late! gotta run now!

zack's working night tonight... dunno why, i'm missing him now...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

cruising off in a few hours...

but i'm leaving the office now to check out floor/wall tiles!

and i've yet to pack my bag!!!!


and zack is downstairs waiting for me ..!!!!


i'm going crazy :D

Monday, January 23, 2006

"i want candy... "

Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2005
it was great! music is powerful! forgot about it til zack rang to remind me.. oh yes, i've always been a VS fanatic.. ask any of my close friends.. my pc's homepage is Victoria's Secret website *haha* was only 18 when i bought my first set.. and it's become a ritual to buy at least 2 items every year.. so you can probably guess how many VS stuff i've collected thru'out the years: bra sets (11 sets i think).. undies.. slips.. pyjamas.. babydolls.. bikinis.. shoes.. clothes.. (how did i ever afford these?! i was only a poor student!)

i'm itching to do some online shopping now..

Sunday, January 22, 2006


done with my last conference yesterday evening.. the events, exhaustion came rushing in and all i could do when it was over was go to the toilet, sit down and try to even my breathing.. cant begin to say how much i'm looking forward to our cruise next wed.. in a way, it just makes it sweeter..

spent the last 2 nights combing the streets of Balestier and Geylang.. in search of lightings for our home.. boy was it fun! by far the most enjoyable part of our whole reno process.. went to zack's favourite smelly beancurd stall in Geylang and their Hot & Sour noodles is simply magnifique *drools* i got another favourite food! wonder if i can psycho zack to bring me there again later..

diet has suffered lately.. only eat when my stomach growls.. and when it does, i will just grab whatever i can find in my office.. which are usually junk food like: chocolates and cookies *opps* i can afford lah.. lost a kg or 2.. so now i can pig out during the cruise!

caught Geisha last night.. great show! i'm itching to read the book now.. but it's a 2.5 hour show so be prepared..

and Jo got engaged! *screams* (it's about time ming! *scolds* good gals must grab quick! :D)

gotta wake that piggy up
we're going fridge/washing machine hunting today!

hot and sour noodles..
hot and sour noodles..
hot and sour noodles..

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

charming chinatown..

so i had to sell zack's old mobile phone (the one i bought a year ago!).. head off to Peoples' Park where there are abundance of mobile phone dealers.. wanted the best deal so went to various shops.. noticed a common trend amongst those dealers which irritates the heck outta me! i only managed a "Hi..." before their eyes automatically descend 45 degrees *sheesh* and when i told zack about it, he chided me for wearing a revealing top! can you beat that?!!! typical guys.. *humph!*

that's not all..

then this pyscho appeared and started following me around.. came up beside me when i was at a shop and asked me in heavily accented mandarin what i was doing.. told him i was selling a phone.. when i got to the next shop, i was startled to find him standing next to me, staring and grinning at me.. just one look and you can tell he is a little 'off'.. i glared at him and demanded: "what do you want?!" he then asked how much i was selling the phone for and i snapped back: "i'm not selling!" and continued to give him one of my thunderbolt glares (what fake bravado).. he went out of the shop and hovered at the entrance.. i took my stuff and got out of the building.. when i looked back, he was still staring at me.. creepy.. to be honest, i was a tad freaked out

felt like i was swimming in sharks-infested waters.. only felt safe when i crossed over to the more civilised part of Chinatown.. you can only find such weirdos in Chinatown.. but i still stand by what i always say: Chinatown really do have a unique charm..

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

drained to the bone..

what's up next?
dinner entertainment..

i'm just hanging by a thread...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

11.30pm on a sunday night..

hungry but too lazy to prepare anything proper
sleep it off i guess..

broken yet another hanger
that must be the 139th hanger i've broken by far

i've got an ulcer in my mouth
which hurts and is annoying me
(i hardly ever get ulcers..)

getting tired of the house reno
people say it's exciting
i say it's onerous and tiring
(ok ok, it's pretty exciting as well..)

i'm tired but i dun wanna sleep
so tomorrow wouldnt come so soon

finished my danielle steel
no books left to read

i'm as broke as church mice
wonder how i've squandered my money

and i'm so not looking forward to tomorrow

i'm hungry..

Saturday, January 14, 2006

a pampering.. in more ways than one

zack came home from a session of spa at Sri Bayu (a balinese spa), raving about the place.. the massage.. the facial.. (he likes it so much he bought a package of 5 massages and 2 facials!) he then wrapped his arms around me and whispered: "and you got an appoinment at 8.30pm tonight.."

"yeah right..."

"no, i'm serious!"


had our dinner then he sent me to the spa place before heading off to work.. didnt manage to get my facial but had a nice aromatic coffee body scrub.. and the place is lovely.. only thing missing is a thai lady saying "sawadeeka.."

so zack was giving me some last min info bout the appointment when he dropped me off.. said he had arranged the appointment under my name, 'his fiancee'... sheesh.. all of a sudden, with cars speeding past us.. words got caught in my throat.. my eyes went warm.. and my heart did funny flips..

his fiancee?
funny how a word.. a gesture.. can mean so much

*soft sigh*

awright.. it's time for danielle steel.. sleep tight folks.. sweet dreams.. it's a lovely saturday night and to those of you who are all cosy with your loved one.. give him/her a hug and tell him/her how much you love him/her (if it's only a little bit, forget it.. just a hug will do).. spread the love people.. spread the love *grins*

me? i will see my love first thing tomorrow morning!

and for now, all i have is.. baby soft.. smooth.. silky skin! *hehe*

Thursday, January 12, 2006

today is a very special day...

cos it marks the first time ever a guy ironed my clothes
and i'm marrying this guy! *smile*

when i count my blessings, i'm gonna count it twice...

madhouse in the office
4 conferences back to back
and i seem to have my finger in every one
and a major part in at least 2
talking my voice hoarse
with hotels.. vendors.. foreign counterparts
funnily... i'm enjoying it!
i love that adrenalin pumping
that rush.. that humming in my brain

nearing 8pm
excitement or not
i need my rest.. and food
got down to popping chocolates and milky ways
ben: how's that for an aneroxic? (i'm not skinny!!!)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

i'm bored..

hmmm.... let me poke some fun at my fiance (what are fiances for if not to poke fun at :D)..

(he's reading some health magazine.. *yawns* he needs more excitement in his life..)

c'mon baby, smile for me....

i like eyes...

"will you please stop disturbing me?!!!!"


let me humour her for awhile

*blink blink*

matching pouts

HAHAHAHAA... no, i'm not done yet!

ooooh.... someone looks irritated...

(actually.. he's not lah.. he looks like that when he's concentrating hard.. so cute right?? - i say it's his brows)

stop disturbing me..!!!!"

that's awright...

there's always Pappe... *muahahahaha*
zack reminded me this morning...

we are cruising off in 15 days....!!!! *woohooooo* cant wait... that'll make it our 5th holiday in 18 months... which equates to an average of 1 holiday every 3.5 months.. *gasps* but this will have to stop for awhile.. perhaps til our honeymoon next year??

the time of penny pinching is here

Sunday, January 08, 2006

here comes the bride...

Adrian and Irene's ROM!!!

soooo touching... *sobs*
zack has a sis-in-law now! congrats!

i love weddings..

the pretty ladies

and the handsome couple...
Aunty Elsie (zack's mum) said this is our rehearsal *haha*

then it was lunch buffet at....

Shangrila - The Line
selection is great.. indian, jap, seafood, western, eastern.. etc
dessert is wikked!.. and a fondue fountain!

ate till we nearly bursted..
and my dear boy is having a diarrhoea now *awwww*
must be the oysters.. ahahahaha!
(i've sworn off oysters for good!)

Friday, January 06, 2006

talking balls..

arranging a Strategy Conference for the office. One of the activities requires juggling balls...

me: Hey Doug (our speaker), what kind of.. errr... balls... are you looking at?

me: so Amos (our supplier) do you have stock for about 450.. errr.... balls...? No.. not big ones like footballs... small palm-sized ones for juggling.. we need juggling balls... not the kind that bounces but 'plops' on the floor...

sheesh.... i hate my job

Thursday, January 05, 2006

today's recipe

2.5 cups of frustration
1 cup of lethargy
5 tablespoons of disappointment
1.5 teaspoon of heartache
a sprinkle of happiness

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

had one of those days..

when you feel like you're not enough?
like you're always lacking in something
to be loved totally
like you're inadequate.. incompetent
you're not sure how can someone love you quite as much
you're dunno why you feel a certain way
irrational as it may be
a part of you hate yourself
you feel neither here nor there
and you dunno who you are anymore

today is.. one of those days

Monday, January 02, 2006

got woken up by Ant and couldnt get back to sleep
POPIAH lunch at his place?!

almost 1pm and i'm waiting for Ben to wake up
which i've no idea when that'll be cos he was still awake at 5am!!
how i know?
cos he msged me at 5am telling me he will call me when 'he rise' to arrange lunch
that boy never change one bit..
enjoys informing me at the 11th hour

think i'd go wash my toilet while waiting for him
my house is turning into a mess

my bed looks so good..

Sunday, January 01, 2006

1 Jan 2006

first thing i did when i wake: give my darling a kiss
first thing i actually did when i wake: take a hot shower
first person i hug: my darling
first person i cuddle (dogs count too): Pappe
first person i chat with: Sandra
first msg: Ant
first phonecall: Rachel

HAPPY 2006!

2005 has been great.. happenings in 2005?? I GOT ENGAGED! *screams* and WE GOT OUR HOUSE!!! *screams* some low points too which are not worth mentioning (bad stuff never are)... and other happy minor stuff like.. erm.. cant think off my head right now.. too many.. haha.. but other than the fact that i kept falling ill, 2005 had been awesome *smile*

so what's up next in 2006?
- quit my job
- find a job i love
- cruise in Jan!!!! *wooohoooooo*
- move into our beautiful love nest: March?
- my dear sis's wedding: June
- get married in July.. hehe *blush*
- save as much dough for our wedding in 2007 *blush*
- start my advance dip in Mass Comm (if money permits.. sigh)

it's gonna be a good year... cos i want it so.. cos i'll make it so! no New Year resolutions for me cos i usually forget half of them by the second week of Jan

neweis... have a Blessed New Year!

NEW YEARS' EVE: Wala Wala with Andy + Leanna
and again, i proved to be a broody moody drunk (more so when there's no outlet - u need to dance it out then the euphoria sets in).. and when someone caught on, he rushed off to get me another lycee martini.. he had a field of a time downing me with alcohol and watch me get all grumpy.. and yeah, he couldnt stop laughing.. see what kinda fiance i got??!! well... he KOed when we got home too... muahahahaha..!!!