Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, October 22, 2005

how anti climax can it get..

took me a day to recover

all ready to go to HDB, with documents and all... only to be told that the booking exercise starts on 24 Oct.. and we have to take a blardee queue no. first!!! zack got there like about 12pm and our queue no. is 839!!! my heart plummeted all the way down to the toes of my soul...

our appointment is on thurs morning (4th day of the exercise!). hopes are dashed.. 838 units would be taken up first and what are the odds the unit we want is one of them? and still got the racial quota to worry 'bout.. i cant bear to think.. shortlisting a few other units as well.. if we cant get a unit in this WIS, no idea when it'll be before we can get our own flat.. people: we need all the prayers we can get.. *prays*

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