Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, October 31, 2005

let's talk about sex baby...

so who is up for this???
hands up!!!
(c'mon.. dun shy lah)
$14 per ticket
18 - 20 Nov
its really only a Health Talk.. really

a section featuring "furniture that enhances love-making"!
for our new home!
how apt! :D

darling.. let's go!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

hot and stuffy sunday afternoon

weather report from perth: windy and cool *envious*

whole day to myself
to laze and sleep and read
(and clean the house -_-)
while someone is out saving lives

went prawning yesterday
26 bucks
2 rods
1.5 hours
came home with 4 miserable prawns
caught 7 but 3 escaped (dun ask how)
think the uncle is feeding his prawns omega3
they are getting smarter!
they spent more time 'playing' with us than us catching them!

walked along the beach some
love the tangy sea breeze
cant get to most breakwaters but one
love breakwaters
then it was supper at hougang KPT
mutton chop and teh beng
another late night
but slept reeaaal well

Note to Jo: shopping / airport / geylang serai (SY suggested that.. not me!) this wed?! SY and i free... let me know

my abs are still aching...

Friday, October 28, 2005

so... presenting.... JU'S HOME!

i look at it and see all the possibilities
after playing The Sims for years
i'm finally gonna 'build' my own home

this would mark my 4th house in 3 years
has it only been 3 years?
seem to have lived a lifetime

as a kid, had always like moving house
cos that meant a new room, new beginning
but all my moves hadnt been joyous occasions
the next move is gonna be different
cos its MY turn now
i've come a long way
and no one is gonna spoil it for me!

cant begin to say how much this means to me

oh my gosh.... ju's finally gonna have her own home!
*pinch pinch*

Thursday, October 27, 2005

and so it is!

its done.. WE GOT IT!

as unit after unit got snapped up, was getting weary.. zack comforted me: "then that's not meant for us.. God will narrow down to that best unit for us.." and He did!!!

so what's so swell about our new house?

let's see ya...
1) high floor (15 storey!)
2) open field infront
3) some seaview of coney island
4) 3 mins walk to Punggol Plaza (NTUC, foodcourt, banks, clinic, watsons etc)
5) accessible to 2 bustops
6) LRT right smack in front
7) roof garden to bring the dogs
8) cost a fraction less of what we'd have paid for Klang Lane

so whatcha think? *grin*

was 9plus in the morning when we finally got to see the officer and for a heart stopping moment, we thought our unit was taken up.. gosh, it was nervy.. after 3 days of suspense.. it was just sweet sweet victory when we both signed the papers

cant begin to describe that feeling.. unlike our Klang Lane application.. this has a finality to it.. like: "yeah, so this is it" felt a peace.. and just the purest joy

so it should be ard 2 - 3 months before we can collect the keys.. our Christmas present?

simply cant forget that moment when we both walked out of the HDB office after signing all the documents.. hand in hand.. with silly grins on our faces

we got our home, baby! *grin*

is this it?

cant stop talking
cant sit still
cant stomach any food
cant sleep


i'm driving the people around me crazy

my nerves had been wrecked havoc
3 long arduous days
dished out in small potent amounts
as unit after unit went from blue to red

"ju's like monitoring the stock market.."

then we found this one unit
perfect but not saying anything yet
dun wanna jinx it
7 hours more to go..
the verdict will be out!

oh my gosh... we're gonna have our own home!!

Monday, October 24, 2005

the heat is on...

2 units down
2.5 days to go


my insides are all knotted up

Saturday, October 22, 2005

how anti climax can it get..

took me a day to recover

all ready to go to HDB, with documents and all... only to be told that the booking exercise starts on 24 Oct.. and we have to take a blardee queue no. first!!! zack got there like about 12pm and our queue no. is 839!!! my heart plummeted all the way down to the toes of my soul...

our appointment is on thurs morning (4th day of the exercise!). hopes are dashed.. 838 units would be taken up first and what are the odds the unit we want is one of them? and still got the racial quota to worry 'bout.. i cant bear to think.. shortlisting a few other units as well.. if we cant get a unit in this WIS, no idea when it'll be before we can get our own flat.. people: we need all the prayers we can get.. *prays*
more retail therapy?

supposed to go for pilates class
but went for some therapy instead
and bought these :D

dun usually wear shoes like these
but these ballet slippers are so sweet

Friday, October 21, 2005

retail therapy
3 women
400 over bucks
1 hour

got a cheer up chocolate chip cookie from David
thanks dude! *grin*
(he's bribing me to add that extra zero in his payslip)

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Walk-in-Selection for Sengkang, Punggol and Hougang Flats Now On!


and we found a unit! and zack is in our unit RIGHT NOW! crap, i wanna be there too! he called me and started describing the view (seaview!).. the flat layout.. and even thinking where we can put our bed in the master room *grrrrr* he managed to sneak past the construction workers and receeing other units as well.. but decided on the best unit... and guess what? its on the 10th storey!

taking half day leave and meeting him at HDB... saying i'm excited would be an understatement *grin*

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

called Ben yesterday.. just to chit chat and touch base.. yak about the usual stuff.. then the not so usual stuff.. noticed a cycle here thru' out the years.. was a comfort talking to my dear friend and as usual, he is spot on.. on almost everything.. so he is either (1) extremely good at what he does - psychology... or (2) he knows me frigging well! in any case, it was comforting.. and encouraging.. things i didnt realise i had in me.. he saw it and pushed me to believe it.. if only i believe i can pull it thru once again.. had to hang up cos i suddenly realised we were at it for 45mins! (overseas call ok..) unsatisfied cos i had to let him go without him explaining certain things to me (he did that deliberately! that skunk just enjoy leaving me in suspense!)

felt somewhat better after
talking to someone familiar
who seemed to understand
popping over for a visit seems real appealing
maybe a change in environment will help
need a break

slept at 8am last night (a record for me)
and guess what?
i still look like crap this morning
all i ask is some peaceful sleep
is that too much?

someone commented that i've lost weight
yeah i did
funny thing is, i'm not even on a diet


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

'orrible night..
desperately need caffeine

had a conversation that brought some stuff to mind
its sad that some people do not marry the person they love most

what would you do if you realise you are not the one she love most?
that there is someone she used to love more than life itself
would you feel like you are second fiddle?
would you accept that and wait for her to love you that same way?
or would you.....?
i dunno...

then again, how do you fault someone for not loving you the way you would like them to..

love really sucks sometimes

just wondering.. i'm no expert

i'm gonna crash soon

Monday, October 17, 2005

there's nothing more damaging than the lies you tell yourself
Ah ben! was wondering what happened to my favourite friend! *grin* decided to post instead of tag cos there's much i wanna say.. heh

yes yes.. loadsa juicy stuff on my blog right! i'm always your main gossip source... hahaha! cant wait to see u back home.. so much i wanna tell u.. how many times i wish i can just buzz u and grab u out for coffee or ban mian at bishan..

Ant's gonna be in perth for 3 weeks.. think he'd be there next sat.. i wanna go too!!!! its the purrfect time to visit cos its spring! but your friend here no dough.. hai.. think i've been whining about visiting u since your 1st year there.. and now its your last year

its 12.30am.. time for your friend to rest.. meanwhile, you take care and pleasssse...

1) dun study too much
2) go part tow more
3) eat!!! (dun wanna see a bag of bones when u come back *grin*)

*big hugs!*

Sunday, October 16, 2005

there's nothing better than a heavy downpour on a sunday afternoon (that is only if i'm indoor)

Saturday :
shopping in town.. for a straight 6 hours! Met Ant for some gift-hunting in town (despite aches from my pilates the day before) was dragged to countless of shops to hunt for that gift for his special someone.. then both of us went to meet Carol at Heeren... she got her navel pierced.. if u ask me, every gal should get her navel pierced (so dun ask me) my only regret is not doing it earlier.. so what's next? a tattoo?!!! we were deciding on a navel stud and saw this gal getting a tattoo on her back.. she was clutching her friend like she was in labour pain *gulps* but zack said that pain is tolerable.. hmmm... if only i can find a nice picture.. then...

blowed a hundred bucks (didnt have time to get some nice lingerie.. hai) and wasnt done til 8.30pm, zack picked me up at punggol mrt after work.. with all my barang barang. Tired but sated..

my barang barang:
- bolster (for zack)
- bathrobe
- mini fan (for zack)
- halter top
- 4 beard papa

what i ate for the entire day:
- bowl of cereal
- cup of pao pao cha
- 1 beard papa

not on a diet.. just too caught up with stuff :P night didnt end here.. rest for an hour at home then we are off to Great World City to catch: Deluce Bigolo (European Gigolo) with Andy and Leanna.. was really tired from a day of walking (and shopping) but the movie was entertaining.. mindless entertainment.. just what i need

work tomorrow... hai...

Friday, October 14, 2005

a chauffeur and a present..

life just dont get any better

zack had an errand to run and came round to pick me up from work.. went to compass point for dinner... over burgers and fries, he had this grin on his face and said: "i bought something for u"


guess what it is????

he got me the navel ring i was eyeing on! *screams* so that boy went to Far East to pick this up before picking me up.. no wonder he took so long.. had an inkling he was up to something..

ju is happy.. really happy *beams*


not wearing it on a daily basis.. i'm keeping it for special occasions :)

love ya darling... muaks..!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

our hopes are dashed...

in the form of this mini dachshund pup

she has the softest richest brown fur like mink.. the doleful-est eyes.. zack said she has blue eyes.. but i still cant find the blue.. little sweetie is going for 3K.. which is way off our budget.. sigh.. last we heard, she's been sold *heartaches*

in any case, we'd better save our dough for our house.. which is taking sooo long! everyday we rode past the blocks of YELLOW and grey flats with anticipation tumbling in our bellies

so.... havent had much of a mood to blog.. nothing much in my boring life.. the usual.. bummed at home.. zack was off the entire weekend which was rare.. in 4 days, only day i saw the sun was on sat..

was up early on Sat and had to wait for ah boy to wake.. for a change, took the LRT and MRT to Hougang Mall for lunch and poor me had to endure zack's grumblings of the waiting time.. blah blah blah.. gotta wean him off his bike.. satisfied my craving for pao pao cha (milk tea with pearls).. ran some errands then to zack's home to collect mails, reached back home at 4pm.. awright, that took pretty long.. rest for 2 hrs then off we went to town! (on bike this time) goodness, its been so long since i went shopping i felt so deprived.. only managed to grab a book and a pair of heels.. saw a really really pretty navel ring and it costed $45! i had to leave it and my heart behind.. *sniffs*

caught the 9.40pm show: Goal! @ PS... oh, i love soccer now and Santiago Munez is HOT! was seriously contemplating becoming a newcastle fan (despite glares from the liverpool fan sitting beside me) but decided the black and white stripes wouldnt look good on me.. oh well...

then it was supper at Thomson Prata House with Andy and Leanna.. only teh beng (iced milk tea) for me.. my favourite bom prata laden with calories? GOD FORBID! didnt reach home til almost 3am.. *yawns* then yakked for another 2 hours before turning out the lights.. for a couple who live together, we sure can yak! perhaps his shift work aint that bad afterall.. i still hate his night shift

right, as u would have guessed.. i'm in a talkative mood today.. back to work u nosey parkers! bleh! ;P

i'm still thinking of my pwetty navel ring....

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Your Seduction Style: Prized Object

The seduction game you play is tried, true, and still effective: hard to get.

You know that the best seducers turn the tables - and get their crush to seduce them.

The one running has the power, and you're a challenge that is worth the chase.

You are a master of enticing and pulling back. Giving a little and taking some away.

You are controlled enough to know rewards come after a long seduction dance.

Even though you want to call, email, or say "I love you" first - you don't!

You're style is the perfect mix of hot and cold - so much so that you have many suitors.

Think Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's ... or any of those creepy guys from the Bachelor.

You're skilled at inspiring a chase. The real test is picking the person to slow down for.

well.. my 'reward' came like.... instantly.. so this must have worked for me..
sparks bouncing off the walls.. or maybe a dose of something in someone's kahlua that night? now ya know.. too late!!!

by the way, these quizzes are really crap but entertaining
i'm bored

think i'd check out
and continue my nightly affair with JD Robb

What Your Sleeping Position Says

You are secretly sensitive, but you often put up a front.

Shy and private, you yearn for security.

You take relationships slowly.

You need lots of reassurances before you can trust.

erm... not too sure on the 3rd point though.. cos the last i checked, it was going at lightning speed!

Monday, October 10, 2005

i open my eyes
i try to see but i’m blinded by the white light
i can’t remember how
i can’t remember why
i’m lying here tonight

and i can’t stand the pain
and i can’t make it go away
no i can’t stand the pain

how could this happen to me
i made my mistakes
i’ve got nowhere to run
the night goes on
as i’m fading away
i'm sick of this life
i just wanna scream
how could this happen to me

everybody’s screaming
i try to make a sound but no one hears me
i’m slipping off the edge
i’m hanging by a thread
i wanna start this over again

so i try to hold onto a time when nothing mattered
and i can’t explain what happened
and i can’t erase the things that i’ve done
no I can’t

Friday, October 07, 2005

it was dvd and ice-cream last night!
we were like only 15mins into the movie when we heard ambulance / police sirens... and zack perked up when he saw the dart team.. well, apparently it meant unusual cases like drowning or jumping without the parachute etc.. another 10 mins went by and curiousity got the better of us.. so we decided to 'take a walk'... paused our movie, leashed up pappe and down we went.. walked round the block.. past the kopitiam.. then saw the red lights flashing in the distance.. round the sharp bend coming into our estate.. was too far a walk and dun wanna appear too kaypo (which we are so!) so we deduced that some bugger must have drove too fast round the bend, upturned the vehicle and caused mass casulties (thus the dart team)

went to supermarket to buy a bottle of kaya (lastest craving is kaya toast) then back home to continue our movie... so disappointing..



Tuesday, October 04, 2005

never had a worse night
woke up every couple of hours
dreams plague me
then the wind started howling
and pappe started growling
dragged myself up to close the windows
stood at the window with the wind whipping my face
as i watched the trees bow low
for that minute
i wished..

tell me.. how can something so beautiful be so wrong?

Sunday, October 02, 2005

i really need to clean the house.. but its dark outside.. cant see the dirt so no point cleaning right? haha.. shall do it tomorrow when it's bright.. gotta take half a days' leave tomorrow.. got some stuff to settle..

caught Dukes of Hazzard last night (it was real funny by the way) and wanted to check out some punggol units we got our eye on on our way home.. saw something i hope we would never encounter.. a dog was lying on the road.. apparently she got ran over.. we made a u-turn to check things out.. she had already passed on.. there's blood flowing out from her mouth and her eyes were open.. didnt know who to call.. police? anything but leave her lying there.. was sobbing real hard right in the middle of road.. and zack was like: "ju, dun cry.. people's gonna think we ran her down.." anyway, zack carried her to the side and lay her on the grass beneath a tree.. said a prayer and went on our way.. had a crazy notion to bury her but i know thats crazy..

wasnt in any mood to check out any units so we made our way home.. felt so raw.. crap, i'm still feeling the ache..

zack's on night shift tonight.. my first night alone since july.. lonely.. oh i'm so lonely.. well at least there's pappe but she disappeared right after i fed her dinner.. hai.. that gal doesnt know how fortunate she is..

and there's no one to pat my back and soothe me when i get my nightmares.. *sobs*

it was a gathering at Ant's on Friday night.. Ant & Carol, Pohling & Kelvin and Zack & i.. was supposed to be my bday dinner (yeah, like more than a mth late..) dinner was good: rack of lamb, mashed potatoes, sweet baby carrots and brussel sprouts.. and only Ant can make vegetables so sinful.. he drizzled the carrots and brussel sprout with butter!! but i must say anything good is always sinful...

and after more than a month, i finally had my birthday cake.. i'm not complaining.. cos better late than never.. baked by my dearest friend.. Ant! its a blackforest cake by the way.. see the cherries on the top? he soaked them in brandy overnight and it was just awesome! but i still missed my choco chestnut cake.. Ant cant find peeled chestnuts.. was skeptical bout the blackforest cake but didnt dare say anything cos ant will go: "Have i ever cooked anything for you that you dun like!!" (yeah, thats how big his ego is)

only one missing is far away in Perth.. miss u Ben.. (cant find a pic of him in this com to post) think i'll give some background info since u guys have been hearing these ppl quite abit: Ben, Ant and pohling are my childhood friends.. met in Childrens' Church and grew up together since 11 years old.. so we have a wealth of memories.. Ben and Ant are like my closest friends.. the kind of friends whom i will go running to whenever i fall.. the kind who looks in my eyes and say: "ok, something's wrong.. tell me".. and i will go bursting to tears the minute i hear their voice.. there's little i wouldnt do for them.. love these 2 fellows!

yup... so it is.. *grin*