Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, July 24, 2005

its not even noon on a sunday morning and i'm awake...

cos i got woken up by that bozo ant!!
well, since i cant get back to sleep so here i am blogging..
to ease off the excitement the past few posts had been generating :D

got back from bintan @ 8 last night... its was great Great GREAT!
sunburnt, aches, blue blacks..
Pyramid, Flying Fox, GO KART!!
Go Karting : was outta the world.. the exhilaration.. the speed... i'm beginning to think i shldnt drive... i'd be a complete reckless terror on the road
was the first to zoom off, accelerated all the way & had my 1st spin in 5 secs.. crashed through tires.. veered off many times.. the guys working there had to tell me to slow down upteem times *LOL*
The Pyramid : imagine climbing 7 - 10 storeys of obstacles (akin to OBS) and then the Flying Fox at the end of it... i was scared shitless but never been more liberated! that adrenalin pumping in my veins got me high!

but was real happy to be back home cos i miss my babies tons! Had a late dinner @ Taokee (beef horfun!) then caught the midnight show : The Island @ PS with Andy and friends.. it was Jalan kayu prata thereafter.. got back at 4 plus and completely dead beat..

alright alright... shant beat ard the bush... i noe this is what everyone is interested in right?
"are u getting engaged?!"
"he proposed already?"
"u getting married?"

been bombarded with questions since i got back.. well... no no and no
we are not getting engaged..
zack did not propose..
and we are not getting married..
and i am NOT PREGNANT!

WE JUST APPLIED FOR A FLAT! (have the silliest grin on my face)
(and that wasnt a proposal in any form by the way)

zack made a booking on sat while i was having indoor discussions in Bintan :( he was msging me throughout the whole process and miles away in Bintan, my stomach was doing somersaults.. wish so much i could be with him but... nope, i gotta sit in a cold room telling my colleagues why i tot we should all hold hands together and work as team *tongue in cheek*

cant describe the feeling when zack msged informing me that the booking was completed and we are on our way to a new chapter of our lives..

am so excited i cant breathe..
but at the same time, calm..

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