Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

How do you brew a cup of coffee?
needed a fix this morning
slept for only a total of 8.5 hrs in 2 days
so decided i need a little perk-me-up in my system
a cup of coffee that is!
didnt know how to brew so got some instructions from theresa
"press the full cup button, add condense milk, creamer"
somehow.. my coffee tasted awful
decided to improvise so added some milo
but it still taste awful
i dunno wat went wrong
24 years of age and i dun noe how to brew a cup of coffee!
tsk tsk..
at least i got my kick

these 2 days had been greeeat!
had some retail therapy.. its da best!!! :D

2 paperbacks (Nora Roberts - Blue Dahlua and JD Robb - Imitation in Death)
2 tops from Chaos
1 bikini (sweet!)

All in the space of 1.5 hr! (dun ever leave me alone at Far East.. its detrimental for my well-being) love my buys.. but i realised that i had read one of the paperbacks before.. tsk tsk...

Fixed my hair yesterday
chopped off loads of it!
layers, layers and more layers!
colored it dark brown with copper blond streaks
love my new cut!
frames my face nicely :)

and managed to get a little gift for my dear :)

ok, i'm broke now..

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