Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, October 15, 2006

"there were nuts on the floor.."

feeling the aches and bruises
from my fall(s) from grace

my 20.5 hr long sat:
9.30am: rise and shine
11.30am - 5pm: church / ikea
6pm: nap
9pm: watch Dominion - Prequel to the Exorist on HBO
11pm - 1am: nap (me) / soccer (zack)
1.30am - 5am: blading / coffee @ East Coast
6am: off to bed!

you didnt read wrong.. we blade at 1.30am in the morning! haha.. well, its cooler and lesser human traffic than during the day.. and, we are such nocturnals!

me: i'm not gonna fall this time!
zack: i'd try not to laugh
(i had the first laugh.. ahahhahaa... he had the last.. damn!)

we bladed towards bedok jetty this time round (left of Macs).. plenty of up and downhills.. just when i'm enjoying the sensation of flying, i had to pump real hard to blade uphill. But it was so good and refreshing, the cool night breeze plus a good body workout.. and plenty of laughs and squeals (me). Cant believe we get so much kick out of falling.. ahahaha..

and i almost nailed the A-turn! almost meaning i only managed a half turn.. hahah.. i need more speed and weight. Would have mastered it if not for my healthy fear of falling.. my bod just dun like meeting the ground. Perhaps its bcos of this lack of fear, zack is progessing real fast.. he actually wants to fall just to know how it feels like *shake head* but i must say he is good, confident and cool. I'm not gonna forget the part when he did a T-break and.... (its for me to know only.. hehe)

by the time we bladed back to macs, we were totally beat. Nothing beats a nice cup of coffee.. McCafe Himalayan latte.. my absolute fav! though i didnt have that last night cos zack ordered a frappe by mistake.. aiyo.. its ok darling, i still love u.. :P

ok lah, i'm tired of typing.. gonna go orr orr now. Woke up at 11.30am despite sleeping at 6am! cos my king wanted bfast in bed so got up to prepare for him.. i was feeling nice and wifey.. plus he offered to bathe the 2 imps though its my turn (and i just realised he didnt!)

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