Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

MY Wedding Gown...


hahahah.. sorry ah, not posting it at the moment.. This is one of the gowns i tried on and kinda like. It actually has a thin black ribbon just below the bust area which makes it pretty unique.. without it, the gown looks kinda plain.. the beading took 2 weeks to complete! and its one of the couture gowns at D'sire, 3K and you get to keep it. Tried it on for zack and it didnt really impress him.. haha.. yeah, i didnt get that WOW factor too.

next.. tried THE GOWN for him.. needless to say, he likes it better! u know thats THE Gown for you when everytime you put it on, your face just somehow brightens, there's this sparkle in your eyes and you simply cant take your eyes of it. Perhaps i look at the gown a time too many.. but i cant seem to see myself donning anything else!

so on Sunday, we signed up with D'sire! yayyyy! Basically met all of our requirements! 1) Good photography - Avenue 8 Photography! (under Ave8 group: Montage / Andrew Chooi / Studi D'fia) 2) Service - 2 Thumbs up! 3) Gowns - need i say more? 4) Bridal studio - Boutique is the word.. the deco is awesome! half won me over when i stepped in.. yeah i'm superficial, so sue me! 5) Pricetag - just a little over our budget. Yvonne also included a teadress (cheongsam or kua) and 4 more photos - on the condition that they can have our photos from our photoshoot for their portfolio, which of crse we agreed.. 4 photos leh! (equivalent to $300)

and zack's gonna don a TUX! gosh.. with his tall frame.. he'd look absolutely absolutely dashing! cant wait for our next fitting! gonna meet up with Dennes (the designer) to discuss MY GOWN and zack's tux *grins* I started out with a MTM (made-to-measure) gown in mind.. (knowing how fussy i am) Then i saw this gown and i know this is the kind of design i'd like. Only problem is that to MTM that kinda design, it's gonna blow our budget to the sky and back. So i must say, we've found the best deal where our wants matches our means!

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