Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, June 30, 2005

went for cycling class and realised....
my stamina is gone!
within 5 mins, i felt tired and that energy was just not there
sheesh... being sick really drains u
now i'm back to square one

and i didnt get to see James Lye but its ok
cos i saw him yesterday!
we were lunching at the same jap restaurant
must be fate.. must be fate

got on the scales... i lost almost 2 kg
and i wasnt even on a diet
according to my BMI, i'm almost underweight

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

ant went prawning...

2 hours
1 rod
0 prawn!!!!


Tuesday, June 28, 2005

i dunno how to pick the pieces
i really dunno

perhaps i'm abit hard to take
perhaps i want too much
hoping for a fairytale
then reality hit
i'm no princess

*wanna hibernate*

Sunday, June 26, 2005

late in the night but dawn is breaking

finds me waiting for sleep to take me

hungry but i cant eat
cos everything that goes in makes me uncomfortable
stomach is bloated
bad case of indigestion?

lethargy.. lackadaisical
cant sleep
bad dreams chase me
shouldnt have read Dan Brown before bed

should try to get some rest

just feeling awful.... in every way

Saturday, June 25, 2005

"dun come back black black ah.."

and i didnt *bummer* but it was a wonderful wonderful holiday.. felt a pang when we board the plane back to Spore.. Full KOH SAMUI deets!

many beaches at Koh Samui and we stayed at Chaweng beach, which is where all the action is. Though the waters aint that clear and clean.

stayed at Chaweng Villa Beach Resort. Right smack in the heart of Chaweng Town. Like all other resorts at Samui, one end faces the street and the other faces the beach. Breakfast with a seaview every morning! Got the wooden split level bungalow (more like a chalet). King size bed with mosquitoe net is on the top level. Check this out!

Day 1:
touched down at 9 plus (flight was delayed, what's new) reached our resort at 10 plus (20mins drive). The street was still bustling with life at that hour and traffic was horrendous, no law no order. Guess what was the first thing we were on the prowl for? uh huh... MASSAGE! gotta let zack get his massage first before i can do my shopping in peace *grin*

found this good massage parlour Most Massage. We both had oil massage and it was greeeaaat! and at only 350Baht (SGD14).. so shiok i fell asleep

chaweng town at night

Day 2:
Tour around the island. Just the 2 of us so we actually had a 'custom-made' tour. Went to various attractions:

Grandpa rock and Grandma rock

see that little rock jutting out at the background? thats the Grandpa rock and the pic next to it is Grandma rock. What do u reckon they look like?? Go figure.

a visit to zack's favourite relative

a monkey can pluck an average of 500 coconuts a day (slave labour)

zack was the first to go forward to hold little monkey... see how much he loves his family? :D

Elephant trekking

atop little jumbo

Namuang Waterfalls

pity we didnt have time for a dip.. even brought extra clothes *sobs*

went to see this mummified monk who had been dead for 20 years and he's still looking good! he wear shades leh...

Tour ended at 4.30pm.

decided against a cheap massage and went for SPA at Living Senses! Zack had the Sensual Aromatherpy Massage and i did a Mineral Salt and Yoghurt Scrub with an Egg Yolk and Coffee Body Wrap. Spent a fraction of our dough but its worth the experience. Lovely ambience.. Similar to Divana Spa at Bangkok. it was sooooo good..

Our Dinner : 30Baht noodles i finally had my roadside meal and it was just awesome! goes to show that quality doesnt always come with a tag *grin*

Ad for Heineken or Colgate? This guy here has such straight white teeth its disgusting! (i've always suspect that they are dentures) Anyway, booze there were frigging cheap! only like 1 buck plus per bottle of Heineken. Our mini fridge was stocked up with Heineken and Barcardi..

Day 3:

Snorkelling! Travelled by long tail boat to Koh Tan, a neighbouring isle for snorkelling. (Koh Tan = Isle with no dogs) Legend has it that there isnt a single dog on this isle.. any dogs who lived there eventually died or tried to swim their way back. Interesting ya?

snorkelling was great and saw many wonderful sea creatures... sea urchin.. bight blue fishes with bright pink fins, bright yellow eyes/fins.. corals that change color when u touched them.. clams that clam up when u go near.. and yes, a baby octopus! awesome...

'picnic' lunch at Koh Mudsom.. but the water was only ankle-deep so didnt managed to get a dip. Only a short lunch break so there goes my tan *sigh*

Samui at dusk

ended our last night with a bang! Had a seaside dinner, literally! the waves were like half a metre from our feet.. was truly a seafood galore. Lobster, big fat Prawns, Oysters, Squid, Crabs, Red Snapper.. and every dish was cooked to perfection!

truly the most romantic dinner i had by far.. table lighted up by a small kerosene lamp.. waves lapping just half a metre from our feet.. bright moon overhead with dozens of twinkling stars.. and best of all, my dearest in front of me.. zack wanted to surprise me with this lovely seashell necklace from this walk-ard vendor but i came back from my toilet break a lil too early.. saw him choosing the necklace when i came back (so sweet right..) he gave it to me over dinner :)

Day 4: Au Revoir Koh Samui...
check out Koh Samui Airport... its a totally mag experience.. discounting the lack of aircon, this aiport is truly unique, arrival/departure halls are really only atap huts.. plane taking off like 200m from you

one interesting fact: it is a law in Koh SAmui that no buildings can be taller than a coconut tree

can i bring this mirror home? it makes me look slimmer..

so in our 4 days there, zack had:
.. an oil massage
.. sensual aromatherapy massage
.. aloe vera massage
.. aromatherapy massage
.. thai massage
(this guy must have rocks for muscles judging from the no. of massgaes he had)

and ju had:
.. an oil massage
.. mineral salt & yoghurt scrub / egg yolk & coffee wrap
.. moisturizing cream massage
.. mani / pedicure
.. foot massage
(i still have baby smooth skin :D)

believe it or not, those are my buys...

in actual fact, i only bought the skirt and picture. Zack bought me the seashell necklace and hat *grin*

all in all... it was a great trip... though the beaches cant beat Krabi's... it was still beautiful.. everything was beautiful.. hope u had a good time sweetheart, i did *smile*

Thursday, June 23, 2005

food poisoning?

i think its the oysters..
yes, paying for all the fun and good food we had. touched down on monday night and went off to bed with zack running a temperature. fever broke in the middle of the night and yes, yours truly woke up with a burning head and a queasy stomach. tsk tsk. another hard and fast hit, leaving me so drained.

been sleeping the past 2 days and only got back to work today. feeling so tired even as i'm typing this. couldnt wake up this morning despite many nudges and "you're gonna be late ju.." from zack. come to think of it, my boy is like my time keeper. haha.

let's see... he makes sure:
i eat (i forget my lunches and dinners sometimes)
i wake up from my nap at night to get ready for bed (though he is real glad i nap cos he can game in peace now)
i take my medicine (he even bring the pills and water to me)

gosh, i have such a sweet boyfriend.. (not that i dun already know) but the more i think about it, the more fortunate i feel... jeez, feel like giving him a big hug now and tell him how much i love him...

counting my blessings...

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

"from now on, i will always take care of you.."

Friday, June 17, 2005


feel like something just died inside

really looking forward to this trip
why must this joy be robbed?

Thursday, June 16, 2005

i see stars

went for my cycle challenge class during lunch and guess who i saw?
James Lye!
this is one fellow who doesnt seem to grow old, chiseled looks, all pumped up with muscles and i'm surprised he aint that tall. looks mighty good. got more motivation to go to the gym now. opps. heh. zack is definitely better. he is taller!. his bod is hotter!. his smile is brighter!. ok enuff.

oh. if u must know, the gym i work out at is Planet Fitness (Far East Square). so gals, you can make your way there and see 'stars' too...... (not that i will be looking)

1 day to paradise..

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

i need to rant

eyeing that packet of coffee mix on my table...
i dun care... i making a cup!
even if i'll get an earful when i reach home
my brain is fuzzy
i need my fix

numbers exhaust me.. it drains me
and i've been looking at numbers the entire day
its 3.30pm
banklists and USD payroll got to be done by today
plus SPP and tons of training programs to coordinate
i'm losing track
awright.. steady by steady.. one thing at a time ju
and the blardee phone better stop ringing!
i got probably around 3 hours

ok, enuff ranting
got to do my superwoman stunt now

Monday, June 13, 2005

i get restless when things get mundane

sooo... what's coming up next?
Fusion Jazz!

pottery next on the list?

oh, in case anyone is wondering.. Ant is having the time of his life in Bangkok. He messaged me last night raving about his stupendous foot massage.. be good and behave boy *wink*

.....and i know this probably sound nauseating (i just gotta log it down).. but zack has a wonderful voice and he looks so dashing when he sings.. especially when he serenades me! think i fell deeper again last night *deep sigh*.... that warm fuzzy feeling just stays and u feel awesome all day.. i know i know, i'm such a hopeless romantic..
4 days to paradise...

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Before... and... After

i like the simple life..

had a lovely saturday and most of it attribute to not having a bike ard *sweeeeet* zack's bro needed the bike so passed it on to him. Went around on public transportation. It's been awhile since we did that.. took 62 to his place, had our mutton chop, shared a coconut drink @ hougang pasar malam, strolled ard compass point then head for home.. managed to wriggle out of this 'opening ceremony' cos no bike mah (conveniant excuse, whatever works for us *wink*)

and of crse this is completely one-sided.. zack was going on about how slow everything takes without a bike.. my boy getting spoilt uh *shakes head* heheh... had an even better night...

Back to our Kampong days..
went to East Coast for PRAWNING! *big grin*

our bait = chicken heart.. got to cut them in tiny pieces..
why? cos prawns has tiny mouth mah.. duh!

now we wait...

and the first catch goes to.... zack

our catch for the night!
16 prawns in total
9-7 is our score
zack leading *grumbles* i was leading in the first hour then my business run out in the 2nd hour! bet those prawns are female.

after almost 2 hours.. these 2 buggers are still alive!
our survivors... Itchy and Scratchy

"oh my, how fat you are!"

so..... $20 for 2 hours / person.. that makes it $40.. and guess what greeted us when we got to the bike? A PARKING FINE. $25. So these 16 prawns cost us a whopping price of $65!

"please eat your prawns slooowly tonight darling... "

Friday, June 10, 2005

a tirade of emotions

i'm fighting it..i'm clamming up.. i'm shutting up

i have high expectations.. i always do
sometimes.. i can't live up to it
i have many questions.. i always do
sometimes.. silence is better

need to refocus, redirect, rechannel
perhaps thats how i get out of this
put many things on hold
its time i start my other pursuits

Thursday, June 09, 2005

huffing and puffing

...for 45mins generates tons of endorphins

Cycle Challenge class during lunch was great. Within 15mins i was literally raining and this is saying alot for someone who needs an effort to work up a good sweat. Felt good and managed to get to the 2nd and 3rd position (body forward, butt in the air) at my first lesson. Hoping for some aches tomorrow but somehow not feeling as tired as i hope. Think i gotta push myself harder. Pilates tomorrow (and its pee-la-tay, not pi-let)!

shoulders down, abs tuck in.. and GO!

why can't i ever escape WC....?

...and Andy said," if u cant beat them, join them"
spoken like a true-blue gamer
perhaps WC and me are destined (not the gamers).. hur hur

snit mood.. beware
perhaps some workout later will help
*need endorphins*

Monday, June 06, 2005

so let us have... HAPPY mornings!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

all the way from home and they tell me...

"sorry, the class is fully booked."


i pleaded, i begged... to no avail... sigh

so i had to endure 45mins of cycling without simulation
and some weights..
but a good workout nonetheless
spent the rest of saturday with Ant
hanging out at his place, walk down Holland V, hotdogs @ Ikea
our boy here was as happy as a squirrel with caveful of acorns
he even gave me a treat! (this is like the first time in history)
now now, why is Ant so happy?
i'm not telling!

and poor me had to endure a whole night of gushings

MADAGASCAR! burst my guts out laughing..! definitely a must-watch


They're cute. They're cuddly. They're DERANGED!
i just love that little cutie.... ! i want a lemur!!!

(ben, u will love this!)

"you got to catch it catch it!"

Friday, June 03, 2005

we come to the world not to find a perfect person to love
but to learn to love an imperfect person perfectly
DanceHub is launching 2 new classes Fusion Jazz and P.A.C.E and guess what??!! the instructor is VINCENT! my dear friend from TP dance & of crse he was the only one who made it big in Lasalle.. this is one friend who believed in following his dreams and had earned my utmost respect.
(and dancehub was where i had my salsa classes, by June and Jackson and they are good!)
i should give my support uh... and Fusion Jazz looks sooooo good!

What is Fusion Jazz?
A stylish and expressive dance that exceeds the boundary of the conventional jazz dance with the creative fuse of sensuous salsa, lyrical ballet and the grounded nature of contemporary dance.

Mondays, start 20 Jun
8:30pm to 9:30pm
Duration: 6 weeks
Fees: $90

Sundays, start 26 Jun
2pm to 3pm
Duration: 6 weeks
Fees: $90

- To expose students to the different flavors of dance vocabulary of the mentioned dance forms.
- Students will learn to appreciate the joy of dancing/moving in coordinated manner.
- Students will also learn sound techniques of dancing and pick up tips on physical health through understanding of alignment/posture in a fun and accepting atmosphere.
- Students will learn to enhance their expressiveness in dancing with the understanding of flavor/style/execution.
- Students will learn to be more adept in the use of the body as a tool of expression through mind and body coordination.
- Student will learn to be more connected and increase awareness of the mind and body through dancing.

jazz, salsa, ballet, contemporary.. all-in-one! what more can i ask for??! definitely something to think about... but the timing aint that good cos i'll miss my first class. Dont think that'll be much of a prob cos my dear friend will give me extra classes.. heheh (he'd better :D) My bigger problem is coughing out another 90bucks... sigh... its the root of all evil again... tsk tsk

Thursday, June 02, 2005

and again!

i wasted my night
went online but the connection was so laggy i gave up after 15 mins
dozed off at 10 last night and didnt wake til 2am
didnt get any stuff done 'cept pack my room, wash up and head for bed
was totally washed out

pace at work is pretty lax this week
the next 2 weeks would be completely hectic!
Payroll, Stock Purchase Plan and a 2 training projects are in the works
gotta get all done and coordinated before i fly off...
and thats in 2 weeks!

looking at my calender: my june is all dotted with red markings
funnily, i'm kinda looking forward to it
i like that adrenalin rush
perhaps that's why i've been feeling lethergy of late
no rush.. just waiting for 5.30pm to arrive

getting bored with weights and stepper
so moving on to the classes..
Pilates is gooooood!
who would have tot lying on a mat can be so taxing
(hmmm... that sounds suggestive...)
trying out their Cycle Challenge this sat
(if i can get my butt to Far East Square on a sat, its like coming to work!)
and their new class Body Step looks good too

15 days to paradise....