Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

4 inches off....


bored with my long hair
so decided to go for a fresh new look
did a straight perm (not rebonding) and snap it off!
Yvonne's scissors took inches off my hair and years off my age
i can pass off as a student!

all i've been hearing these past 2 days are..
"What have you done to your hair?!"
hehe... i cut it short lah.. *winks*

so presenting... Isaac Chan's new gf!
soooo many gals.. aiyooo....!

yes, the straightness is here to stay
but not compromising the volume!
wonders of straight perming *skips*

coloring in 2 weeks
black base with ash-blonde streaks
wat say u?

Monday, May 30, 2005

have u ever..

felt an emotion so strong u're afraid it can't be true?
felt this fear that all is a dream u gotta wake up from one day?

dun wanna grasp too tight
cos the pain of it being wrenched away
can be killing..

i'm practising wat i have always preached..
"Love with all u've got, even if its gonna hurt u.. coz this is the only way to live life to the fullest"

but i'm scared..

perhaps i'm reading too much
perhaps i'm thinking too much
silly gal, thats what they call me
but as they always say,
good things dun last..

not forever..

i'm scared.. of being happy.. so happy


my left eye's infected!
and i gotta wear my specs for the next few days.
how am i suppose to wear a pair of specs that has been bent out of shape to work??

Saturday, May 28, 2005


after 2 days of sleep... i'm finally rejuvenated (well.. almost)
as promised,
full deets of my bangkok trip

needless to say, the word here is S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G.
covered most of the shopping malls that i missed (and more) when i was there in Jan. For those of you who have not been there, here's a list of it:
Mah Boon Krong: went there three times.. mark this.. THREE TIMES! but boy u just have to try the mango juice at the food court (6th level).. its awesome! Bought the mango sticky rice for zack (yes, tabao back to s'pore) but the coconut turned sour so only get to eat the rice with the juicy sweet mango. By the way, the foodcourt at Le Meridian has nice mango sticky rice as well.

Chatuchak Market: hot and stuffy as usual. Didnt attempt to cover all areas, just walked wherever our eyes led us. Stayed away from the pets section this time, i cant stomach it..

Suan Lum Night Bazaar: Mighty good thing we arrived an hour to closing time. This is THE PLACE that will wipe me clean and dry. Nuff said.

Siam Discovery Centre: There's a linkway from MBK. Shopping centre with boutiques like Esprit, Mango, Levis etc..

Central @ Chidlom: Its really just a departmental store really.. Bought my levis.

Emporium @ Phrat Phong: Another departmental store similar to Central but bigger, with foodcourt and all. Yup, cyber cafe was there.

and..... my SPA!

Had my spa at Varee Spa @ Sala Daeng, a small spa place, nothing too luxurious. Zack and i chanced upon it when we were looking for Zanotti (Italian restaurant) in Jan. No one wanted spa so had to find my way there on my own... fun and liberating! Figuring out the mrt lines and roads on my own.. exciting! Zack was upset that i was going alone but see dear? i'm safe and sound! dun worry k! :P and i prob looked all local all decked out in my tank, jeans and sling bag (no camera and map) wish i had more time exploring on my own.. had my ginger scrub and milky oil massage.. ahhh.... i have smooth and soft skin now *satisfied*

there're also the usual side/night markets, pasar malam like.. and again! i didnt get to eat any foodside stalls... but it's awright, KOH SAMUI in 3 weeks!

Anyhow.... had my buys, was happy

(now now.. dun ask how much i spent, its rude :D)
but happier to be back home
by the 4th day, i was itching to come home
touched down at 10pm
my dear sis and andrew came to fetch me from the airport *touched*
spent the night unpacking and didnt see zack til the next day :(
but my little bundle of fur was there to greet me with her kisses

and.. my hp bill is gonna be sky high *shudders*

i realised...
there's nothing like a few days of absence to remind your guy how much he loves u *wink*
absence really does make the heart grow fonder *grin*
maybe i shld plan another trip with my gfs.. 2 weeks this time! *wicked!*

Friday, May 27, 2005

it has arrived!

our Koh Samui tix are here! wooohoooo...!
at long last...
the time is nearing
3 more weeks!
our trip to PARADISE
white sandy beaches
clear crystal waters

i'm so excited i cant breathe!

my VS shipment is not here yet *frowns*
its way overdue
never been this late in my 7 years of purchase
did i say 7 years!?!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

what made zack as gleeful as a little boy?


got woken up by laughter and shouts of triumph from my nap
yes, at 4am
went out to the living room and there i found zack as excited as a kid on christmas day
sat down and he began rattling off animatedly on how liverpool scored 3 goals in 15mins, watta wonderful turnabout... and yes, this went on for another 15mins :D
and soon, i was caught up with the action too
but more so on the 'action' next to me
it was more entertaining.. heheh
i ended up watching the rest of the match
wouldnt be too surprise to see the big red liverpool poster hanging on our wall soon

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

i try hard.. real hard to live by this

"expect nothing and accept everything"

so i'm home..
Home Sweet Home
after 4 days in Bangkok..
i was bored stiff
shopping, shopping and more shopping
let's just say too much of something is never good
this is probably the first holiday i came back with panda eyes

can barely keep my eyes open
will blog about my trip soon
stay tune~

sweet dreams..

Monday, May 23, 2005

my 3rd day in Bangkok

anyone miss me??

cant believe i'm saying this.. but i'm sick of shopping!
but i had fun... was a constant struggle exercising my self-control
so many things to buy, so many things to do
but so little money

right now, just wanna go for spa and do my hair
relax tomorrow before catching my flight in the evening
crap. this is prob the first holiday that i lost weight
went for a swim this morning.. and i'm so tired now
didnt swim long coz some ang moh started to chat me up
so i kept swimming to avoid him and now i'm dead beat
sigh.. why cant guys leave gals alone when all they wanna do is to work out and relax???
hmm.... that guy is kinda cute..
but of course he cant hold a candle to my zack.. heheh

anyway, gotta go now
its shopping again...!
and spa later... I CANT WAIT!
*baby soft skin*

i miss my zack and my little gal...

Saturday, May 21, 2005


all my bags are packed
i'm ready to go
i'm standing here
beside your bed
i hate to wake you up and say Good Bye
but the dawn is breaking, saturday morn'
the bus is waiting, at the stop
and i'm so tired i could get more sleep

so kiss me and smile for me
tell me you'd stay safe for me
hold me, like you'd never let me go
cause i'm leaving on a jet plane
4 days and i'll be home again
oh boy i hate to go

so many times, i changed my mind
so many days, i count my dough
but somehow, i made my choice
every spa i go, i'll think of you ;P
every food i eat, i'll eat for you
when i come back, i'll bring your tom yam soup..

so kiss me and smile for me
tell me you'd stay safe for me
hold me, like you'd never let me go
cause i'm leaving on a jet plane
4 days and i'll be home again
oh boy i hate to go

now the time has come to leave you
one more time let me kiss you
close your eyes, i'll be on my way
think of me when you feel lonely
feel my hug when you are chilly
feel my kiss as you go on to bed

so kiss me and smile for me
tell me you'd stay safe for me
hold me, like you'd never let me go
cause i'm leaving on a jet plane
4 days and i'll be home again
oh boy i hate to go

cause i'm leaving on a jet plane
4 days and i'll be home again
oh boy i hate to go


dun miss me peeps :D

leaving in 15 mins
sheesh, gonna miss my pappe and zack..

Friday, May 20, 2005

i'm flying...

in less than 12 hours

and i've not packed my luggage!
correction: i've not even open my luggage
its still sitting in the hallway
tsk tsk

tons to do in 3 hours:
- pack luggage
- wash clothes
- tidy the house
- buy groceries
- special treat for my pappe
cook one last nice meal for my zack before i flyyyyy......

7.20 pm
better get my ass moving!

kinda looking forward to this trip... bangkok with my colleagues?! my wallet is gonna cry... SELF CONTROL - thats da word *excited*

what's your favourite breakfast?

mine: hot tea and scones, with a good book..
or even better, some good company
reminisces: Billy Tea with lamington cakes in melbourne
love congee with you tiao too, followed by a good walk in the park

with these talks about breakfast
all i'm having now is a cup of hot chocolate
and a (still) growling stomach..
then i remembered i didnt have dinner last night

should have added some nescafe in my chocolate

was tired from my workout at the gym
all the aches to prove today
crap. cant even gym in peace
and i workout in the ladies gym most of the time!
not gonna let some bozos spoil my workouts
why cant some guys be genuinely helpful?
without any ulterior motives

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

my mobile beep..

"wanna go town walk walk later? we've not done it in ages.."

this is coming from someone who detest walking, especially around town..

and i know the reason behind this suggestion *smile*

105 mins of...

[] huddling low in the seat of gv plaza, hiding behind jo's paper-thin shawl (enduring siying's scoldings of wasting our money)
[] watching Elisah Cuthbert's finger get snapped off by pliers
[] Robert Richard's head cut off by pruning shears (i almost retched..)
[] and yes, Paris Hilton's head speared with a crowbar
[] Jared Padalecki (in his wax form) 's face being peeled open (while he is alive)

and of crse..
[] Paris Hilton in hot red lingerie
[] fair bit of smooching
[] HOTTIE Chad Michael Murray!

after 60 mins..
i asked myself (again) : "why am i here? Didnt i vow after the last horror flick that i am NOT watching another one?"

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

2 banklists down
1 more to go tomorrow
the month's payroll is arduous
past few days were a struggle
wonder when will i see sunshine again

catching HOUSE OF WAX with Jo and Siying tonight
finally after a few postponements
but i'm beginning to question my wisdom of watching a horror flick with these 2 gals (especially siying.. her screams are scary enuff)
crap, just remembered zack wouldnt be there for me to hold onto when the scary parts come on.. ahhhhh.....
i'm sitting in the middle. period.

trying to work up some excitement
orders can start milling in
and no ant, i'm not bringing home a thai wife for u

i still want a squirrel...

Monday, May 16, 2005

got this off an article from ching's blog.. rings true.. oh so true..

"True love is neither physical, nor romantic
True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be"

come fool me
and tell me
that vintage love exists..

Sunday, May 15, 2005

currently spinning..

and I'd give up forever to touch you
'cause I know that you feel me somehow
you're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
and I don't want to go home right now

and all I can taste is this moment
and all I can breathe is your life
'cause sooner or later it's over
i just don't want to miss you tonight

and I don't want the world to see me
'cause I don't think that they'd understand
when everything's made to be broken
i just want you to know who I am

and you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
or the moment of truth in your lies
when everything feels like the movies
yeah you bleed just to know you're alive

and I don't want the world to see me
'cause I don't think that they'd understand
when everything's made to be broken
i just want you to know who I am

and I don't want the world to see me
'cause I don't think that they'd understand
when everything's made to be broken
i just want you to know who I am

i just want you to know who i am
i just want you to know who i am
i just want you to know who i am
i just want you to know who i am

Thursday, May 12, 2005

i'm so tired i'm dazed...

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

i need some perk-me-up please..

eyes are crossed
neck is stiff
head is pounding
brain cells are fried

the magic of caffeine has worn off <-*pure magic*->
this month's payroll is a bitch
imagine going through 100+ names 4x
its merit increase this month and its a month late (blame New York)
so its pay increase, backpay, stock purchase increase, back-deduction, and deductions for company trip
jeez, that makes it 5 times!
then its checking, checking AND checking
been at it since i stepped in at 0745 this morning
now the aircon has stopped
and i am done.

i am so going to run naked around the house the day my banklist goes out

right... i've whine enough
home is where i go now

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

the next phase

once again, i meet it with resistance and apprehension
jitters jitters
i like it slow
i like it steady

Monday, May 09, 2005

had lunch with Ant today! its been awhile.. a long while.. Packed our Subway and headed back to his office which was much cooler, no need to jostle with the lunch crowd. Had my 6grams-of-fats subway and somehow feels unsatisfied.. from the meal and the short 45 mins chat session.. so much to chat about, so little time.. Wat to do... someone is busy with someone now *wink*
no time for poor ole me *wails*

ant said i've lost weight and if i lose more, i will look sickly :D
but i didnt lose any and scales dun lie *ponders*
oh watever.. i'm still baking my big fat chewy chocolate and macadamia cookies!
but i will limit to 5 and leave the rest to zack *grin*

should i take up diving?
almost took that up a year ago but i just had to get my navel pierced.. so opportunity came and went.. butt is itching to do something now..
as what my mum used to say: 'u're so full of nonsense!'

yup, i used to drive her nuts :D (i miss u, mi..)

so many things to do, so little dough..

Sunday, May 08, 2005

that night...

i was touched
i feel loved
i am blessed

didnt know how loved i am.. til then
wrapped in strong arms of love
listening to the steady heartbeat of bliss

wonder what i had done to deserve this..
"Lord, i thank u.. for giving me this precious gift"

that night..

Saturday, May 07, 2005


html is driving me nuts but its mighty interesting
i might have a little talent for it... hur hur
finally got most knicks sorted out for my template
loads of trial and errors and tons of help from Sylvia
thanks gal *big hug* let's go for lunch soon ya, my treat! i miss u noe ;)

managed to get our tix on priceline!
got it much cheaper
sourced our hotel and booking it online too
definitely more cost effective this way

but packing my bag once before heading up north
Bangkok in 2 weeks
then Bintan in July
at the rate i'm going, my passport will be filled in no time
not considering the damage to my pocket
6 stamps in a year...
tsk tsk

Thursday, May 05, 2005

the dots are getting to me
so i'm changing my template

a fresh look.. a black look.. *cluck*

note: to send an email to Sam
Ben, u'd better not forget your cousin's bday ;)

Today's date: 05/05/05 ~ nice!

did i mention i'm in a comic book?

or rather my name (chinese name that is)
i'm this top assassin.. who is a guy..... (??)
Ant, couldnt u at least mention to Gail Simone that "Huang Chaoran" is a gal's name?!? *humph*
i could even send her my pic so her cartoonist could model me as the assassin
imagine, another Elektra (without her tacky red suit)
anyway, i'll be featured in the first 3 or 4 editions
then i'll be killed off

but irony of it all...


but this got ant as excited as a kid on Christmas day
check out this Straits Times article for Ant's 3-sentence of fame! *guffaws*

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I like this song
was able to relate to it once upon a time
music is powerful

Jo, this is the song Siying and u were humming to me and cant figure out the title
and yes, i know this song
u gals just cant hum for nutz :D

Take my photo off the wall
If it just won't sing for you
'Cause all that's left has gone away
And there's nothing there for you to prove

Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
Oh well, it seems likes such fun
Until you lose what you had won

Give me back my point of view
'Cause I just can't think for you
I can hardly hear you say
What should I do, well you choose

Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
Oh well, it seems like such fun
Until you lose what you had won

Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
A fool of everyone
A fool of everyone

Take my photo off the wall
If it just won't sing for you
'Cause all that's left has gone away
And there's nothing there for you to do

Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
Oh well, it seems likes such fun
Until you lose what you had won

Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
A fool of everyone
A fool of everyone
- Jet

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I am so going to redeem myself

I'm not admitting defeat. Gonna make it right this time!
TomYum Soup, Lemon chicken... and.... Prawn flavoured Chicken Wings!!

Take that Ben! *smirk*
looks good and taste just as gooood
Say something zack!

Sunday, May 01, 2005

it has begun
the cycle continues..

i should have known
silly me

oh well..

4am on a Sunday morning..

when will sleep take me?

sheesh, just remembered that i didnt have my dinner
wonder if i'll wake up to some nice breakfast tomorrow..

i like surprises.... :)