Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Life of a nocturnal

the sun is up, its 7.30am
and i am still wide awake
sheesh, is this going to happen every friday night

what do most people do between 2am til morning?
sleep.. sweet sweet sleep...

what do I do between 2am til morning?
- iron and change my sheets
- sweep and mop the floor
- clean my stove
- tidy the house
- had a nice hot bath
(wanted to clean the sofa and wipe windows but stopped myself.. thats going too far gal)
Beware: compulsive behaviour!

when my engine starts, its hard to stop
so here i am at 7.30am
typing this
wondering when will sleep take me

but i like the NIGHT
when there's nothing to rush
free from the restrains of daily life
when its quiet and time is all mine
when my mind is at its clearest
i reflect..
i ponder..

i'm selfish with it
i take whatever comes my way and make it mine
grasp it tight to my chest
relunctant to share
cos its scarce

night peeps...

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