Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, March 31, 2005

i just saw Cindy's feotus boy moved. OH MY...
a nice smooth round belly.. then a little bulge pop out..

its simply amazing..
God is wonderful..

and zack delivered his first baby girl today!

these talks about babies is making me teary...

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Once upon a time there were 2 crabs..

zack and i were so crabs-crazy that we finally decided to try our hand at cooking CHILLI CRABS!!!

Chef Chan moving in for the kill! *gruesome.. *


but seriously, its really sad killing these 2 crabs... their little beady eyes looks so cute... sigh.... i cant bear to do it.. so think its best to leave this 'heroic' job to the man!

*dun kill me please.... *

looks good uh... awesome with fried mantou.. eat to our hearts content.

fruit of the labour of Chef Chan & Chef Huang

cost us only $16 but with the amount of cleaning to do, we decided this is the first and last time we are cooking chilli crabs..
jeez, suddenly feel like eating fried you tiao with sotong meat.. beef hor fun.. TAO KEE!

Gals Night Out @ East Coast

we've gotta nice view at the background.. Beach Hut.. pity cant see it...
but its ok, these 2 beauties more than makes up for it... hahaha *cough cough*

the 2 birthday gals looks so sweet.....
but are they really sweet???

but of course!!!

silly jo said the only thing that looks good in this pic is my hair!

i really need sleep
woke up this morning with puffy eyes
but i had a good night

time to get my ass off to the gym
been slacking for 2 weeks
no running, no gym
losing my momentum
swimming this weekend?

went on the scales
i didnt put on weight!
still need to shed that blardee 2 kg

here goes it..
Advantages of working in an environment where 80% are female and 30% of these have children that are almost your age
- you are always skinny to them
- you get fruits or snacks for teabreaks
- you can always find food when you are hungry (and they are always willing to feed u)
- you get to order sausages/otah/curry puffs w/o moving yr butt.. just write yr name & order and go!
- you get nagged at when they see you at your desk during lunch "so slim oredi still wanna go on diet!" (no, not on a diet.. and not quite certain if this is an advantage)
- you get an education on how kids nowadays suck your blood
- you also see how stressful the education system is in spore
- you also get to hear how cute their babies are (awww... i want babies too)
- you get advice on how to plan your money.. insurance (occupational hazards/benefits?)
- you learn how to pick husbands too!
a) no need to be too good looking
b) must be hardworking *essential*
c) must be ambitious
d) must be generous (to you)
e) older men dotes on you more and takes better care of u (5 years is good) *ponders*.... love u dear! :D

awright, back to work now.

Monday, March 28, 2005

eventful weekend..

met up with Ant on thursday after work.. was nice walking around town, window shopping.. ok ok, it was nice for me but agonizing for him.. but things had a turnabout when we reached a particular section at kinokuniya *wink* cruising around in the usual merc minibus, listening to Blue.. thats one vehicle i'm so used to that i know my way about the compartments (its usually one big mess!)

celebrated Andy's bday on friday at Marina South.. BBQ STEAMBOAT! and again... Zack didnt get to eat his crabs.. my poor boy.. hehehe.. it was so packed we spent quite awhile getting a table. Managed to have the tantalizing char siew but i cant believe i didnt eat any fried mantou!

Then off we go to watch Miss Congeniality at Suntec.. managed to catch the 11.45pm show. It wasnt as good as the prequel but Sandra Bullock looks good!! then again, she always does.

Gals Night Out on Saturday! The long awaited day. Spent the day with zack, went grocery shopping at Compass point. Then went back to do some cleaning and baking! Baked an apple loaf for the gals to 'celebrate' Jo and Siying's bday. Zack had dinner with Chris but managed to reach home before i went off to East Coast :)

4 gals in a car = total chaos

Reached East Coast close to midnight and only manged to settle down after a long bout of wishy washing...
these gals drive me nuts! one needed to go toilet, draw money, one didnt wanna go mcafe, one didnt wanna sit outside bcoz of the smoke.. another didnt want to sit inside coz the aircon is cold.. AIYOH..... and all i wanted was to sit down and enjoy my apple loaf! decided to grab our drinks from coffee bean and find a spot along the beach. Found an excellent spot, a stone table facing the sea with Beach Hut's live band playing behind us.. get to enjoy free Maroon 5, Hoobanstank, Asher.. lovely!

Went trigger-happy as Jo puts it, snapped tons of nonsensical pics (thank God for digicam) hot chai tea from coffee beans, nibbling on apple loaf, catching up, gossiping.. with the refreshing seabreeze blowing gently.. the round bright moon shining down at us.. was awesome! awesome! awesome! :)

Spent Sunday at Mt. Pleasant.. my little gal is sick again, hospitalised this time. Vet gotta put her on drip coz she had been vomitting and refuses to eat anything for the entire sat.. looks lethargic.. sigh.. dun think if i would want another dog.. all the worrying.. spent the night tossing and turning..

this is my weekend..
packed to the brim..
wished i had more sleep though..
look like crap now..

just one more week, then zack would be back to shift
savouring this last week..

thank God for zack
he's my anchor in this crazy world

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Men and babies..

there is just something about seeing a guy (a hunky one!) cradling a little baby in his strong arms.. feeding her.. dunno why but it touched something deep inside..

yes, thats my hunky guy i'm talking about :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

that is the only choice
or is that?
i wish too..
that this is it
i'm sorry it isnt
why did good things have to end so soon?
just need some support and understanding

been a long day
time to rest my tired aching back
night folks..
night dear.. *hugz*

first star i see tonight..
wish i may..
wish i might..
fill my pillow with dough tonight..

Monday, March 21, 2005

somewhere out there

woke up this morning with fear churning in my belly.
the first time in a long while i didnt know wat to do
mind was a complete blank
turmoil swirling.. churning..

wat's going to happen now?
thats the question tossing back and forth

think its time for another move
4th one in 2.5 years
i'm weary..
i'm tired..
in every sense

is there a place out there i can call my own?

that place where people take for granted
a shelter of love, warmth and comfort
a place you know you belong to without a doubt
there may be fights, arguments..
but you know deep down you belong there
and have every right to be there
no one can take that away from you
its something so fundamental

talk is cheap.. so cheap
or am i being too hard
allowed myself to believe
but it was all for naught
dunno what to believe anymore

wats my threshold?
before it all comes down
before i reach that point
that breaking point
i dunno if i can go on
then i tell myself..
i can bend, but i wont break
just gotta keep telling myself this

thats the word
i need that

think i'll stop here..
cant go on..
any further.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Struck by Wanderlust

i'm drooling.. i'm skipping.. i'm jumping!
i'm smelling it.. the scent.. THE SCENT... THE HOLIDAY SCENT!!

Latest news in town!

- travel to 7 destinations for only $98 (excluding taxes and fuel surcharges - wat the heck is that?)
** Perth, Bangkok, Hanoi, Taipei, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- GV 2 to go
- Travel between 27 March - 14 April
- Book between 14 - 17 March

it'll be autumn... lovely.. though i would love to go during spring.
i've been there before but not zack.. we can travel down south along Margaret River.. then to small town Albany.. treetop walks.. scones and tea infront of the ocean.. awesome! or go up north.. Rottnest Island.. Wannaru Market (lovely hotdogs!)... Swan Valley.. would be really nice to enjoy all these with my dear :)

i dun mind Bangkok too but zack gave a firm no no :( coz we were there like less than 2 mths ago
but but, we've not tried the beef noodles & mango juice @ MBK foodcourt.. not tried any streetstall food.. imagine more of the awesome massages.. bodyscrubs.. *wistful*

and imagine.. 1 month backpacking in Europe! cover all of Italy (Milan, Florence, Venice (i'll not die happy until i've been there), Rome, Tuscany).. and France (Paris.. ) *sings* paris holds the key to your heart.. ok, wake up wake up stop dreaming..

alright, just got news.. going to Bangkok in May (company trip)! and maybe Bintan too..

i'm struck..
struck by Wanderlust

*sings* we are going on a summer holiday...

Friday, March 11, 2005

lousy friday..
madhouse at work...
demands of hr and admin are at full force
was so overwhelmed

yeah, its payroll time..
didnt leave office til 9 these past 2 days..
serene was working late too
at about 8plus and we were still ard
i asked her..
"its friday night and we should be out having fun. Why are we still in an un-airconditioned office... slogging our ass off!"
tsk tsk

been bothered with this issue for awhile
somehow, my fears has been confirmed
has it really?
sometimes, i dunno what to think

oh well..

i need my rest now..
night night..

Monday, March 07, 2005


8 months of.....

:: love - check
:: tenderness - check
:: pampering - check
:: kisses - check
:: hugs - check
:: nagging (oh yes.. hehe) - check
:: love again - check
:: romance - check
:: happiness - check
:: worrying - check (when are u going to stop riding dear??)
:: doting - check
:: makan outings - check
:: holidays! (3 to date) - check
:: free rides (actually 6 mths) - check
:: handholding :) - check
:: joy - check
:: heart to heart talks - check
:: home-cooked meals - check
:: more love - check check :)

All checked. I HAVE IT ALL!! *beams*
"sweet, sometimes words just aint enuff.. to express the way i feel..
so all i will say is 'i love u... so so much'... *hugz*"

(disclaimer: I will not be held responsible for any diabetic attacks)

The End Times?

New-look passports to carry new ID numbers

Straits Times Article on the 4 March
come Oct this year will see the birth of a new passport
lengthy article so i've summarised
read on..

in summary:
  • no longer have their NRIC number in their passports but a number that will be changed whenever they lose their documents
  • This was among a range of moves outlined in Parliament to tighten Singapore's border security and to crack down on stolen passports in the face of the continuing global terrorist threat.
  • the new passport will have a computer chip embedded in it, containing all the passport holder's unique facial features and fingerprints
  • Called biometrics, this technology allows immigration authorities to compare the traveller's features with the information contained in the passport chip
  • The new passport ID number will be called an invetory control number

Inventory Control Number?

  • This unique inventory number will make it easier to share information on lost and stolen Singaporean passports as part of the global effort to curb passport abuse
  • When passports with NRIC numbers are lost or replaced, the NRIC number is retained.
    This poses a problem when lost passports are tracked as there will be many passports with the same NRIC number. With the control number, the authorities will know that only that number is missing


  • The halving of the validity period to 5 years is to ensure that any other new technology can be incorporated into the Singapore passport swiftly

is this the direction technology is heading? justifiable it may seem.. will the time come soon whereby that microchip be embedded in our hand / head?

call me a paranoid.. but this certainly doesnt bode well..

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Life of a nocturnal

the sun is up, its 7.30am
and i am still wide awake
sheesh, is this going to happen every friday night

what do most people do between 2am til morning?
sleep.. sweet sweet sleep...

what do I do between 2am til morning?
- iron and change my sheets
- sweep and mop the floor
- clean my stove
- tidy the house
- had a nice hot bath
(wanted to clean the sofa and wipe windows but stopped myself.. thats going too far gal)
Beware: compulsive behaviour!

when my engine starts, its hard to stop
so here i am at 7.30am
typing this
wondering when will sleep take me

but i like the NIGHT
when there's nothing to rush
free from the restrains of daily life
when its quiet and time is all mine
when my mind is at its clearest
i reflect..
i ponder..

i'm selfish with it
i take whatever comes my way and make it mine
grasp it tight to my chest
relunctant to share
cos its scarce

night peeps...

Friday, March 04, 2005

i cant believe i'm saying this....


no worries..
coz flying again in May! wooooohooooooo.....!

1) Kuching
2) Bangkok
3) Taiwan
4) Hong Kong

i'm voting for Taiwan! ;P

gotta start on ju's holiday fund
awright folks, all are welcome to make a contribution.. any amount will do but no single figure will be entertained *chuckles*

Had my first 'chow toufu' @ geylang last night! it was good but wasnt too bowled over by it.. prob coz i had high expectations from all the ravings i heard.. we rode ard geylang's red light district.. let's just say it was an eye-opener for me... went there with ant and dan before but somehow it was different coz we were on foot and only saw a small area..
sometimes i wonder why did these gals choose this path... *sigh* why?
i'm beginning to dislike blogs
knowing things i dun wanna know
some things are better left unknown..

curiosity kills the cat
how true..

too inquisitive for my own good..
tsk tsk

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

spent the last 2.5 hrs slotting 100+ IR8As forms into envelopes..
7pm and its all nicely stacked up on the table ready for distribution *phew*...

then i realised..

something's not right.


show me a wall *bang head*

i wanna go home....
i'm tired..