Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, September 16, 2006

the one with ant, mooncakes and bad rubbish

the week fliew by just like that
been really busy at work
nothing much really happened
met up with ant on thursday for some chilling out
went for dinner and some ice-cream
were at taka and there was this mooncake fest at the atrium
and we went ard munching on samples
ant was like.. "dun look them in the eye!"(referring to the salesppl)
cos then they will pay attention to us
and we wouldnt get to eat more of those samples on the sly
hahahahaa... cheapskates!
i dun have a taste for mooncakes really

going thru a rough patch but i'm sure it'll all blow over
he's tough and always knows whats good for him
and what had been.. definitely is not
hard as it is now, i'm sure he knows this is the right thing

you deserve so much more.. so much better
i say.. good riddance to bad rubbish
be strong dear *hugs*

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