Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, April 18, 2005

early monday morning and this has to happen!

had a minor accident along PIE on our way to work
traffic was a bitch.. as usual, riding between the lanes, then this stupid car gave a right signal and just cut right in without giving ample time to react. Didnt have time to slow down so as expected.. SCRATCH!
actually... wasnt that bad a scratch.. but nope, not saying we are entirely faultless but that stupid car just cut right in!

Driver was this guy (in his late 20s) and his mother was with him. Jeez, THANK GOD i dont have a mother like that! she was like this screeching chicken. Yelling @ the top of her voice and the guy was like this hooligan. Loud voices, arms raised, fingers pointing.. you get the drift.. Was getting on my nerves and almost asked her to shut her damned trap.. yeah, then we would have a field time screaming along PIE.. watta good way to start a morning! *sarcastic*

It's like, accidents happen.. so wats the use of getting all riled up and screaming @ people. Its not like we are shrinking responsibility or pointing the finger at them.. probably think they can intimidate us by acting gangster *rolls eyes* (yeah, i rolled my eyes @ them and they get all riled up again.. haha) Was a good thing zack was cool.. otherwise, there'll be a screaming match and then nothing get settled.

oh well..
insurance claims underway.. see what happen next..
still pretty green where such things are concerned..
my first road accident albeit a minor one
still a little shaken
shit happens..
just thank God zack is safe and sound..

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