Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, April 30, 2005

weather's been a bitch of late..
to think, i even took a cold shower at 3am last night
(and i'm someone who bathe in steaming hot water)
should i turn the aircon on? its only 9pm... but i'm heating up oredi. sheesh..
think i'd go for a run soon...

wanted to go dempsey with ant and guys
then i look in my wallet
i think not
flat flat broke this month
and its another 3 weeks to payroll... sigh
so i'm stuck at home
at ulu punggol
no one live near enough for me to grab out for some ice cold coffee
chores all done (got the cleanest toilet)
nothing else to do..
maybe i'll pack my wardrobe
the old must go, then the new will come *wink*


going for a run now...

Friday, April 29, 2005

i stole this..

off simon's blog
completely candid
had a double take when i found this
like a year later

Thursday, April 28, 2005

You've Got Mail

"The order detailed below shipped on 04/26/2005 via International Carrier"

VS has been shipped!
parcel should be arriving mid next week
*waiting in anticipation*

Monday, April 25, 2005

did something i had not done in the longest time last night:

i threw a tantrum

but was alternating between working up a hearty temper (somehow i failed that), pouting and holding back a smile
so that tantrum didnt work out too well..

someone just knew how to push the right buttons
ahh.. i'm such a pushover

crappy start to a week..

came into the office and realised that IT had blocked off all links to web-based msn.. icq etc *crap* u name it, they blocked it. So that means no msning at work *crap crap*

and last night's chicken wings sucks.. had a recipe but didnt follow it somehow (dun ask me why).. anyhow, spent a loadful of time cleaning all that grease.. sweep and mop the kitchen 45mins after zack mopped it.. tsk tsk..
all i got out of last night:
a plateful of lousy chicken wings AND a greasy smelly kitchen
dun think i'll be cooking for awhile..

brings to mind a conversation zack and i had about chefs.
zack mentioned that most top chefs are men cos women cook with moods, thus the inconsistency in the quality.. being a mild feminist, i was indignant at first.. then stopped to think.. 'yeah, there might be some truth in it.."

last night proved it right..

tummy's bothering me..
feeling so so uncomfortable
would rather have a fever or some abrasions..
anything but this please...
never like to see a doc (unless its to 'buy' an mc)
but guess i gotta make a trip this time


why am i so easily affected..
by things that no longer matter
silly gal


i'm in a foul mood
excuse me
so stay away



Happy Buttday to you..
Happy Buttday to you..
Happy Buttday Benoni..
Happy Buttday to you..

u're 24 today! big boy oredi hor, must be good k.. have a smashing day and go crazy!
u need it boy.. be good to yrself k

i'm too far away to celebrate with u so here's some stuff u just have to do:
.. go to the beach
.. get a tan (it's autumn? cut that out then)
.. go shopping
.. get a tatoo (i can imagine yr face LOL)
.. buy that hotdog from wannaroo market for me *heheh*

and go break some hearts!! (not too many though)

things NOT to do:
.. hit the books
.. stay at home

once again, happy birthday :) *hugz*

Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Third Place

went for a gig at The Third Place last night.. its this christian cafe where bands play live.. it was Parousia's 3rd CD launch and some other bands were there.. first band was Caracal and it was a pretty young band, members were like 15, 16? they were so cute and borrowing a term from zack, not so tight.. but everyone starts young ya :) Kinda like Crossbred.. they have lights on their guitar *cool* and plays some instrumental.. zack and i ended up tending the CD booth.. gosh, CD sales were pretty good! but zack still lost his bet *50 kissesssss*

sheesh, reminded me of those times i spent watching the guys jam after service.. and that gig at Noah's Art... and Ben was the drummer! remember boy??

do hope COT will be back.. think the guys miss that..
zack misses DJing too....
When will DJ Detone be back in da house??

we were so tired and slept within an hour upon reaching home
woke up with a runny nose
checking out some recipes on
*i need buttermik*

my bed looks sooo inviting
maybe i'll head back for a shortwhile
just a shortwhile...

Saturday, April 23, 2005

our Krabi..

was looking at our Krabi pics and decided to get my ass down to post some of them.. though its like 9 months overdue but its all good *wink*

as i browsed through these photos
it dawned on me that some of these islands were no longer in existance
results of the Tsunami
so folks.. enjoy and thank God that they once were there

what nature has given, she has taken

and still, i thank God for its beauty..
HE is awesome..
HE is wonderful..
there is none like HIM..

there's nothing like nature
unspolit and perfect
just like our Krabi trip
dun think i would ever forget this trip
its etched permanently in my heart

and @ Krabi Town, we saw...

yup that's right
..... that is a TRAFFIC LIGHT

this is my boy...

and i have no idea wat he is doing..

boy i love this pic! *chuckles*


did you play on this when you were young?

sheesh, its alot harder than it looks!

time to scare the fishes!


its surreal..
the Marine Kingdom
its a whole new world out there
i stand (or rather i swim) in awe..

finding my hand in the water..
pointing out sea snakes.. unusual sea creatures..
checking out beautiful corals..
feeding little fishes..
hand in hand..

its beautiful..

Phi Phi Island

Phi Phi (pronounced Pi Pi) Island
one of the more popular islands
and i have no idea why..
sand aint that clean
water aint that clear
but this is the island where you go to for food.. restaurants.. some shopping (pathetic as it is)


we caught this sweetie....

melts yr heart doesnt it?

Viking Cave

the vikings resided here centuries ago?
or maybe this was where they hid their loot?!?!
*think treasure cave*

Maya Bay

remember the movie 'The Beach'?
yup, this is where it was filmed!
Maya Bay.. one of the top 10 beaches in the world

check out the water
clear as crystal..
the base of the boat is even visible!

departing Maya Bay
its like an inlet.. surrounded by cliffs
Exclusive is the word

Chicken Island

can you make out the head of a chicken?
yes, thats how Chicken Island came about..
i suppose the thais has too many islands to name *tongue in cheek*

Tup Island

its connected by sand banks to Chicken Island
and we are standing right on the sand bank

Phranang Cave

see the rock in the background?
those little stones are Rose Quartz in its raw form

u noe wat they say about rose quartz *wink*

the day we leave our paradise..

blessed with lovely weather during our 4 days there
but sky was a tad gloomy on our last day


i'd never forget you krabi...
spent some of my best days there
this is wat you call...

Friday, April 22, 2005

wanna go ride the waves
wanna go to a place
where the land meets the sea

wanna soak up the sun
on white warm sandy beaches
with a glass of lemonade


i miss krabi..
that would be the benchmark for all my other hols..

woes of being a woman..

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


my stomach gets knotted up..
when i have to make decisions
decisions that might alter my route
decisions that bring me out of my comfort zone

we are all creatures of habit

i'm fearful..
of choosing the wrong ones
when i have so much at stake

wish someone can teach me wat to do
but nope
this is my life
these are my choices
this is my road..

you can walk with me
but you can never walk for me..

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


went to Jo's condo for some gymming and swimming last night.. very nice place.. quiet and peaceful.. love live there.. but jo has moved back to her old house... so we can only enjoy the facilities for awhile

gym was pathetic *opps* and i didnt bring my bikini! COS NO ONE TOLD ME WE WERE SWIMMING! ok ok, jo's sms wasnt clear enough. Anyhow.. had to borrow jo's bikini.. its a M size (jo's busty man!) cant realy fit but gotta make do but i was glad no one was in the pool other than us (u noe how swimwear expands in water)

- bikini that doesnt fit
- no googles
- cant swim underwater

so spent most of the time yakking with jo while siying diligently counted the no. of laps she had completed whenever she swam past us.. (we also noticed she didnt swim full laps.. LOL)
i love my gals :)


16 April 2005 (Saturday): A day to remember :P
did something i never thought i would ever do in my life


Monday, April 18, 2005

early monday morning and this has to happen!

had a minor accident along PIE on our way to work
traffic was a bitch.. as usual, riding between the lanes, then this stupid car gave a right signal and just cut right in without giving ample time to react. Didnt have time to slow down so as expected.. SCRATCH!
actually... wasnt that bad a scratch.. but nope, not saying we are entirely faultless but that stupid car just cut right in!

Driver was this guy (in his late 20s) and his mother was with him. Jeez, THANK GOD i dont have a mother like that! she was like this screeching chicken. Yelling @ the top of her voice and the guy was like this hooligan. Loud voices, arms raised, fingers pointing.. you get the drift.. Was getting on my nerves and almost asked her to shut her damned trap.. yeah, then we would have a field time screaming along PIE.. watta good way to start a morning! *sarcastic*

It's like, accidents happen.. so wats the use of getting all riled up and screaming @ people. Its not like we are shrinking responsibility or pointing the finger at them.. probably think they can intimidate us by acting gangster *rolls eyes* (yeah, i rolled my eyes @ them and they get all riled up again.. haha) Was a good thing zack was cool.. otherwise, there'll be a screaming match and then nothing get settled.

oh well..
insurance claims underway.. see what happen next..
still pretty green where such things are concerned..
my first road accident albeit a minor one
still a little shaken
shit happens..
just thank God zack is safe and sound..

Saturday, April 16, 2005

its starting... my VS FRENZY!

just realised that it had been 10 months since i bought anything from Victoria's Secret!
last lingerie i bought was somewhere in june last year
having withdrawal systoms
fingers itchy to do some online shopping..

check this out!

the whisper of silk.. is unlike any

so bridal..
but i like!!
watsmore, they have it in XS!
*gasps! confirmation from God!*

heavenly rosebuds in mesh..

wat are the odds i can get the 34 and alter to a 32?

oh, forget it...

summer heatwave

please dun say i'm nuts..
i know i am
but.. but.. its my color!!

wear nothing but flowers to the beach..

this is HOT! dun even ask how much does this one costs *shudders*

hearts meet cute..

*imagine with a heart navel jewel...
ahhh.. now we're talking..

polka dots do the twist

looks mighty good..

like this ruffled skirt..

Friday, April 15, 2005

in 3 months.....

something's coming up!
dun wanna jinx anything so lips are tight
but i'm excited!
i can smell it
thousands of miles away...

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


guess what?
blowed $60 on crabs last night! *gasps*
but those were DA BEST pepper crabs i've tasted!
so its worth every penny
sauce is superb... claws are fat and meat succulent
zack's craving for crabs is sated (for now)
$60 for 2 crabs?? it'd better be!!!
give it another 2 weeks before he start bugging about crabs again.. heheh..
oh, if anyone is interested..
the place is called Eng Seng Restaurant @ Joo Chiat / Telok Kurau
its really only a kopitiam.. really
all good things must share ya! ;P

wats with crabs and lousy moods...

feel like getting an mp3
nothing ostentatious
nothing ex
just something light and small for me to listen while i workout

any ideas?

i gotta CD burner installed in my office PC!

Monday, April 11, 2005

typed a long post last night and continued this morning
then i deleted it off
dun ask me why
i dunno..

had a long weekend...
In summary:
- Beach road: Claypot rice / Ah Balling!
- East Coast : hmmmm......
- Ikea : Fish & Chips!
- Queensway : Sport bra, blank pants
- Suntec / Planet Fitness : with siying.. steam & sauna.. ahhh..
- Orchard : 2 tops, 1 navel jewel
- Home : housecleaning, bathe/walk pappe, cook, sleep

Highlight: Celebrated our 3/4 year anniversary! *beams*

got some bad news this morning..
ian and claire are no longer ian and claire
they were together like forever
things happen.. and then things happen
seen quite a number of r/s falling apart around me

isnt a relationship like a tapestry?
when both parties makes the effort..
the threads in the tapestry are strong and tight..
different colors make it beautiful..
a strong foundation.. a sheen to it..
then something happen..
a slight tear appears..
the threads began to fray..
u try to mend it..
sometimes it mends..
sometimes it doesnt..

just some tots...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

then the wind came and blew the clouds away..

... turned off the game the minute you said you are going for a run and insisted on going along

... waited 30 mins on a stone ledge (with your dog) while you go for your run coz he thinks its late (he could have stayed home with Dawn of War)

... suffered mosquitoes bites while waiting for you to finish your rounds

... with no complaints

... and a smile on his face

wat more can i say?

Monday, April 04, 2005

need a run..

gymmed this afternoon
i'm tired
but feel like a run nonetheless

need a run..

nothing a good workout cant do
yeah i noe
i'm nuts..

need a run..

jeez, i'm getting tired..
mind's clouded..
to the tracks i go now

Sunday, April 03, 2005

A gift from Heaven

2 Precious Moments bookmarks
from my dear siying
read the captions and thought of me
touched.. very

Saturday, April 02, 2005

a lovely rainy saturday morning..
good for snuggles..


think i'll crawl back under the covers :)

Friday, April 01, 2005

right.. tagboard's up and running
keep your tags coming ya..

off to lunch with zack
happy lunching folks! :)